Saving money on your annual car insurance is quick and easy, but many people fail to take the time to shop around. Instead they just accept the renewal quote from their insurers, which is most likely to be much higher. 
Comparison car insurance is very easy and you can find great prices within a few minutes, you are then able to compare the policy with your renewal price and negotiate with your existing provider. 
There is a plethora of ways to help reduce your car insurance cost regardless of whether you are male, female or old or young. Here are 10 steps to lower premiums. 
1. Shop around for the best insurance cover. 
This is the number one way and can save hundreds of pounds on your car insurance, new research suggests that some of the large companies focus more attention on obtaining new customers than showing loyalty to existing customers. Use online comparison sites to see what prices come up – it is important to ensure you are comparing quotes like for like. 
2. No Need to put everyone on the policy 
Only the regular drivers should be named on the policy, if somebody needs the use of the car for a few days they can always be added. 
3. Protect your No-Claims bonus. 
A long no – claims bonus is the best way of reducing car insurance costs. It may cost a bit extra but this will fade into insignificance if you have to make a claim – always check your policy carefully as the way protected no-claims bonus varies between insurers. 
4. Increase voluntary excess. 
If you agree to pay more towards the cost of repair after an accident will reduce the premiums, don’t be tempted to go too high particularly if you have a lower value car. 
5. Make sure your car is secure. 
Most new cars will be fitted with an alarm, immobiliser or tracking device, make sure you check if you have them and inform your insurers, this can get you a discount if you declare it. 
6. Be accurate with your mileage 
Reduced mileage means a greater saving- be as accurate as you can with your mileage because dishonesty can jeopardise and insurance claims. Have a look at your usage cover, if you don’t drive to work or for business reduce the mileage as both will increase your premiums. 
7. Be cautious adding young drivers. 
Including young or inexperienced drivers to a policy particularly if it is a larger or high powered vehicle can be incredibly costly. Insurance companies are also cracking down on “fronting” whereby parents insure cars in their children’s name to reduce costs, so ensure if you are the policyholder on a car that is driven by your children that you are the main driver. 
8. Check cover costs when changing cars 
When looking to renew a lease contact your insurers to see if there will be a significant difference in the cost of your premium. Sporty cars can attract a higher premium just the same way as a car with a smaller engine may reduce the premium. So look at all the costs associated when looking at renewing your lease. 
9. Keep your car secure in your garage . 
If your garage is full of junk, clear it out and use it for your car. 
Cars kept in garages overnight are favoured by insurers and can dramatically reduce your premium as the risk of theft and damage is greatly reduced. 
10. Get a BlackBox 
A Blackbox (officially called Telematics) – where insurers fit a system that monitors your driving patterns and style and rewards cautious drivers and can cut premiums dramatically. It is particularly beneficial for young drivers – some insurers may even offer a discount when taking the policy out or alternatively Bond Vehicle Leasing has a close working relationship with a company offering Telematics’ support nationwide. 
Tagged as: Car Insurance
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